Matchbox 20 Live Bootleg Database


    This trade list and info has been created by me for several reasons. One is to help provide a better idea of known recording sources of MB20 and related material. It would be appear that most info is scarce and so are the traders.
Second is to help catalog these dates and help provide any source lineage that is available. Of course anything you may know of that’s not listed here, please drop me an email.
Believe it or not but I am not really a huge fan but this was made for the one person that was closest to me and you know who you are so this list will be constantly updated and improved upon as more recordings are added to the trade list.

Special notes:
Remastered recordings were done by me for overall sound enjoyment due to various reasons. Mostly because of bass overload or clipping of some sort and trust me they really were needed for proper listening.
Declicked/reindexed recordings were CDs corrected by me due to micro track clicks and/or tracking issues. Overall 99% removed.
All “corrected versions” are what I will trade for but I have all originals discs/files upon request if you prefer so let me know.
All DVD audio extracted CDs or “soundtracks” are done by me and properly indexed.
DVD corrected discs. Some videos I have received do not play well due to poor burner methods or have crappy indexing/chapters and menus created by stand alone burners. I am now in the process of fixing these by putting in a new menu with proper chaptering. These are labeled as “new menu/chapters”.

 Over the years I have done countless transfers for tapers and collectors. As a result, I’m always looking for master recordings, old or low-gen tapes and collections for transferring to CD. If you would like to have me do them for you then please drop me an email and check out my “Tape Transfer” section to the left for further details. Thanks.

Lastly, please read my rules first. I am not looking for any MP3 based material. The ’08 & RT ’09-’10 tour is the only exception.
 In order to verify if you have MP3 based material from audio discs, please check them with this free program called Tau Analyzer which can be downloaded here for free.
Since then I have used this program, I have found several shows that are MP3 based. Which in time will be highlighted in red. These will be available for trade but bare in mind they are here only because I am looking for a new non-mp3 based source and these are somewhat rare at the moment. Also, the program does fail some discs if a minidisc source/gen is used.


Ratings: ( EX=excellent, VG=very good, G=good ) with or without a +/- ,These are equal to A,B,C ratings.
AUD = Audience Recording
SB = Soundboard
FM/DBS/DBA = Radio Broadcast/Digital Broadcast Satellite/Digital Broadcast Air
IB = Internet Online Broadcast
IEM = In Ear Monitor/FM Wireless
M = Master Recording Source
CS or CASS/Gen = Cassette Tape/Generation # when available or marked as “L” for Low or “H” for High
DAT = Digital Audio Tape
MD = Minidisc
DR = Digital Recorder via SD chip
SHN. & FLAC = From Lossless formats only available where stated.
DFT = Direct From Taper.
EAC = Extract Audio Copy (Audio Program) – CD>EAC>PC>CD (all have been checked for gaps and re-indexed)
PC = Personal Computer/tapes transfered via Nakamichi MR-1>Berhinger SRC2496 A/D converter>SPDIF>PC
” * ”  = Masters or source has been backed up on or cloned to DAT.